Digital Signature

Simpler. Faster. Friendlier.

How We Work

Get Your Digital Signature Online in 5 Easy Steps

Step 1

Fill Online Application

Simplify your application with our quick, paperless online form.

Step 2

Make Payment Online

Effortless online payments for your convenience.

Step 3

Email Documents

Verify identity through online paperless process

Step 4

Support Team Call

After verifying your identity, our support team will give you a call.

Step 5

Your Dsc is Ready

Download your Digital Signature Certificate


DigiSign India offers a Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) tailored for Foreign Nationals, providing a secure means for individuals and organizations worldwide to authenticate files. This certificate enables foreign nationals to access various government facilities, register on different government portals, and apply to departments such as DGFT and ICEGATE. The process involves obtaining the DSC from DigiSign India, a licensed Certifying Authority authorized by the Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA).

Procedure to Obtain DigiSign India Class 3 DSC for Foreign Nationals:

For Foreign Organizations:
1. Scanned copy of employee ID proof of the applicant or authorized signatory.
2. Scanned copy of organization address proof.
3. Scanned copy of organization authorization letter.
4. Scanned copy of registration/incorporation document.
5. Applicant and organization details.
6. E-mail, mobile, and video verification of the applicant.

Advantages of DigiSign India Class 3 DSC for Foreign Individuals & Organizations:

1. Ensures high-level security for data transmission.
2. Digitally affirms identity at government portals.
3. Facilitates domain ownership establishment.
4. Safeguards against cyber threats.
5. Enables bulk digital signing of documents from anywhere, saving time and effort.
6. Streamlines processes like filing income tax returns, e-tenders, and participation in e-auctions.

DigiSign India’s Class 3 DSC offers a robust solution for foreign nationals, enhancing security and efficiency in their interactions with Indian government portals and various online services.

Additional information

DSC Validity

2 Year (₹ 1300), 3 Year (₹ 1600)

DSC Type

Signature Only, Encryption Combo (Add ₹500)

DSC Brand

Capricorn, IDSign, (n)Code Solutions

Buy USB Token/Dongle?

Yes (₹ 400), No (Use existing token)